Table of contents
The Settings class
Class that manages app settings.
Description: Gets app settings. If none are defined, returns default settings.
Arguments: None
Return value: settings
Description: Store the provided settings
Arguments: settings
Return value: None
Description: Stores the predefined settings.
Arguments: None
Return value: None
Description: Auxiliary method that gets the user-defined CSS, returning ''
if there is no corresponding file.
Arguments: None
Return value: customCSS
Description: Auxiliary method that saves the user-defined CSS.
Arguments: customCSS
Return value: None
The settings are stored in an object containing subSettings
. These, in turn, have a property type
which determines what the other properties are and what should be displayed in the Setting
component. While customCSS
and firstTime
are included in the settings structure, they are not conventional. firstTime
is only true
on the first time the app is opened and customCSS
is stored in customCSSPath
. To retrieve it, use the getCustomCSS
const defaultSettings = {
theme: {
name: 'Theme',
type: 'select',
options: ['light', 'dark'],
value: 'dark'
zoomFactor: {
name: 'Zoom',
type: 'select',
options: ['0.7', '0.8', '0.9', '1', '1.2', '1.4', '1.6', '1.8'],
value: platform() == 'win32'? '0.8' : '1'
inactiveTime: {
name: 'How many minutes before inactivity?',
type: 'select',
options: ['0.5', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
value: '3'
customCSS: {
name: 'Custom CSS',
type: 'code',
language: 'css',
value: '',
version: app.getVersion(),
firstTime: true
The paths used by the Settings
class are these:
settingsPath = [userData]/settings.json
customCSSPath = [userData]/css/custom.css