
Table of Contents


Class that manages the app. Data access, state managing and music playing are its most important functions. It is divided into two other classes: Playback and StateManager.


class Controller {
    constructor(setView, setLibrary, setAlbumDetails, setSettings, setPlayback, setLoading, addLog) {
        this.playback = new Playback(...);
        this.stateManager = new StateManager(...);


Class that controls what is playing, what will play next, when to pause, etc., using the Howler library.


class Playback {
    constructor(setPlayback) {
        this.playback = {
            album: null, // Object that stores info about the playing album
            track: null, // Object that stores info about the playing track
            queue: [], // Array of tracks in queue
            position: 0, // Index of the playing track in queue
            progress: () => 0, // Returns a value between 0 and 1
            playing: () => false // Is playback playing or paused?



Description: Starts the playback of a new track, according to playback.position.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Continues the playback.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Pauses the playback.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Stops the playback and sets the properties of playback to their default value.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Advances playback 5 seconds.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Retards playback 5 seconds.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Increments position and plays the corresponding track. If all tracks in playback.queue were played, playback is set to its default values.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: If playing time is greater than 5 seconds, returns to beginning of the track. If this condition is not true, decrements position and plays the corresponding track.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Sets the music progress to the percentage given in the argument.

Arguments: progress

Return value: None


Description: Immediately stops current playback and plays the supplied list of tracks. Even when choosing the third track in a list, the user expects to be able to go back to the second one. This is why jump is used: tracks represents all the tracks and jump would be 2.

Arguments: tracks, jump

Return value: None


Description: Adds the supplied list of tracks to the queue, right next to the currently playing one.

Arguments: tracks

Return value: None


Description: Adds the supplied list of tracks to the end of the queue.

Arguments: tracks, jump

Return value: None


Description: Changes the position of one track in the queue. If this change affects playback.position, its value should be updated.

Arguments: from, to.

Return value: None


Description: Removes the track a index position of the queue. If this change affects playback.position, its value should be updated.

Arguments: index

Return value: None


Description: Gets tracks according to sourceType and detail and forwards them to playTracks, addNext or addToQueue according to destination.

Arguments: sourceType (albumID, track or tracks), detail (depending on the value of sourceType, an integer, a track or a list of tracks), destination, jump = 0.

Return value: None


Description: Updates the state of UI elements depending so that they match playback.

Arguments: None

Return value: None

Event listeners

Since this apps tries to follow an MVC structure, most of the functions in PlaybackManager are triggered by events. PlaybackManager should set up event listeners for play, pause, stop, seekFwd, seekBwd, skipFwd, skipBwd, setProgress, reorderQueue, removeFromQueue and getTracks.


Class that controls the state and visual appearance of various app components.


Upon constructing, StateManager should implement the settings and store them in window.settings (for use in other components).

class StateManager {
    constructor (setView, setLoading, setLibrary, setAlbumDetails, SetSettings, addLog) {



Description: Sets the app view to view, updating album details if needed, according to albumID. Should call the main process’s setMiniPlayer if view == miniplayer.

Arguments: view,[albumID]

Return value: None


Description: Gets the library according to searchParameters and updates the Library component.

Arguments: searchParameters

Return value: None


Description: Sets the provided settings and makes the necessary changes to the app. firstTime should always be saved as false.

Arguments: settings

Return value: None


Description: Adapts the app to the current settings.

Arguments: settings

Return value: None


Description: Restores settings to their original value.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Calls the main process’s open handler and refreshes the library after it.

Arguments: type = folder (folder or file)

Return value: None


Description: Calls the main process’s addCover handler and refreshes the component that called it according to caller.

Arguments: albumID, caller (albumDetails or library)

Return value: None


Description: Calls the main process’s deleteAlbum handler and refreshes the library after it.

Arguments: albumID

Return value: None


Description: Calls the main process’s updateAlbumInfo handler and refreshes the AlbumDetails component.

Arguments: albumID, albumInfo

Return value: None


Description: Calls the main process’s updateTrackInfo handler and refreshes the AlbumDetails component.

Arguments: albumID, trackID, trackInfo

Return value: None


Description: Calls the main process’s windowButton handler.

Arguments: button

Return value: None


Description: Deletes the database.

Arguments: None

Return value: None


Description: Logs the message using the Logger component.

Arguments: message

Return value: None

Event listeners

StateManager should set up event listeners for changeView, getLibrary, saveSettings, resetSettings, open, addCover, deleteAlbum, updateAlbumInfo, updateTrackInfo, windowButton, resetLibrary, resetSettings and log. In addition, log should also be listened on ipcRenderer.