
Table of Contents


Description: This is the main component. It stores a series of states and renders five other components (Library, Settings, AlbumDetails, Queue and MiniPlayer) according to view. It also renders a bunch of other components used throughout the app: a ContextMenu, a spinner if loading and a Tutorial if settings.firstTime.

Properties: None


const [view, setView] = useState('library');

// Info about the user's library
const [library, setLibrary] = useState({
    searchParameters: {
        query: '',
        genre: ''
    albums: [], // Array of albums that match the search parameters
    tracks: [], // Array of tracks that match the search parameters
    genres: [] // Array of all genres in library 

// Info about what is playing and the queue
const [playback, setPlayback] = useState({
    album: {}, // Object that stores info about the playing album
    track: {}, // Object that stores info about the playing track
    queue: [], // Array of tracks in queue
    position: 0, // Index of the playing track in queue
    progress: () => 0, // Returns a value between 0 and 1
    playing: () => false // Is playback playing or paused?

// Info about what should be displayed in the AlbumDetails component
const [details, setDetails] = useState({
    album: {}, // Generic album info
    tracks: [], // List of album tracks

// Variable that stores current settings
const [settings, setSettings] = useState({});

const [logs, setLogs] = useState();

// Controlls whether a spinner should be shown
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

const controller = useMemo(
    new Controller(setView, setLibrary, setDetails, setSettings, setPlayback, setLoading, addLog)


Description: Component rendered inside the App, displaying a SearchBox, library albums, a TrackList that matches search parameters and a ControllArea.

Properties: library, playback


Description: Component rendered inside the App, displaying an album’s details such as Cover, TrackList and artist. Also has a ControllArea.

Properties: details, playback


Description: Component rendered inside the App, containing a ControllArea and a list of the tracks that will play next.

Properties: playback


Description: Displays current settings, using the Setting component, and allows to modify them. The settings firstTime and version should not be displayed nor modified, and the new settings should be saved automatically. This component should also allow to reset the settings, reset the library and to go through the tutorial again.

Properties: settings, displayTutorial


Description: Renders a mini-player view, with the ability to return to normal, play, pause, skip forward and skip backward. Should also display cover and current track name. A close button should change the view back to the library and minimize.

Properties: playback

Description: Displays the app’s header bar, with app navigation utilities and window buttons. Specifically, people should be able to access settings and open files if library is true (meaning that the parent of the component is Library), and go back to the library otherwise. The normal three window control buttons must be displayed, and minimize should trigger mini player if settings.miniPlayer == true.

Properties: library


Description: Displays information about the currently playing track (cover, name and album), and allows to seek, pause, play, skip forward and skip backward. If dummy, no events should be fired (this is used in the tutorial).

Properties: playback, dummy = false


Description: Displays an album cover. Some buttons are displayed according to the value of buttons (play for playing the album and details for a detailed album view). Right clicking on the album should bring up a context menu with the following options: play album, add album to queue, album details, add cover and delete album.

Properties: album, buttons = [], parent (may contain play and details).


Description: Renders a context menu on a given position, showing it whenever it is visible. The same file should also give access to a function, addContextMenu, which allows to set the states of ContextMenu. Please note that the component should be designed in such a way that it is called only once. Furthermore, the items that are passed onto addContextMenu should be an array dictionaries with entries text and onClick.

Properties: None


// Which items are to be displayed in the context menu
const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
// The coordinates of the context menu
const [position, setPosition] = useState({x:0, y:0});
// Whether the context menu should be shown
const [visible, setVisibility] = useState(false);


Description: Displays a list of log messages.

Properties: logs, removeLog

Description: Allows users to type in a query and choose one genre filter. If it is a dummy, parameters should be passed to setParameters instead.

Properties: searchParameters, genres, dummy = false, [setParameters].


Description: Displays a list of tracks. If parent == AlbumDetails, a separator between different discs should be added. This component has to pass to its children whether a track is playing or not, which is a bit complicated given that it is a general component. If TrackList is rendered inside AlbumDetails and Library, we can just check for In the queue, however, the same track may appear multiple times, and we have to check if index == playback.position.

Properties: playback, dummy = false, parent.


Description: Displays a single track. The component should display the track number and name, and also a sprite if it is currently playing. jump and tracks property specify which tracks should be played if this track is clicked (in an album, for instance, you want the user to be able choose a track and play all the ones that come after it). parent is the component that contains the track, and if parent == queue a button allowing to remove the track from the queue should be displayed. If parent == albumDetails, the track should be editable (i.e., the title and composer should be changeable). An optional property dummy should prevent all events from being fired. It is used in the tutorial.

Properties: track, classes, playing, and tracks, jump, parent, isDragging


Description: Displays a single setting. In order to modify the setting, modify should be called. The value to be passed to the function is the entire setting. Here is an example:

setting = {
        name: 'Theme',
        type: 'select',
        options: ['light', 'dark'],
        value: 'dark'
setting.selected = 'dark';

Properties: setting, modify,


Description: Renders a brief introductory tutorial, based on a series of slides.

Properties: setTutorial (closes the tutorial when called with the argument false.


Description: Renders a single genre tag. In case deleteButton is not undefined, an option should be added to remove the genre, triggering the deleteButton function.

Properties: genre, deleteButton.


Description: Allows to type in a new genre for an album, and passes it on to createGenre.

Properties: createGenre


Description: Sets up a progress bar that regularly updates. Furthermore, allows to set the a new position firing the setProgress event. dummy, used inside the tutorial, prevents all events from being fired.

Properties: getProgress, dummy = false


Description: Wrapper component that builds a button around its children. Also sets up a shortcut that for onClick, which should be removed when the button removed from the DOM.

Properties: onClick, type = box (box, round, nodecor, or box) and shortcuts.


Description: Implements a dummy search box, used inside tutorial.

Properties: None


Description: Rather than a component, this module provides a series of icon components. Each of them accepts a property size defaulting to 32. The following icons are included: Logo, Play, Pause, SkipFwd, SkipBwd, Settings, Square, Plus, Circle, CircleOutline, List, CD, Search, Back, Queue, Close, Collapse, Edit and Check.